Que Serra Serra-Release!


When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother, “What will I be?
Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?”
Here’s what she said to me                 
“Que Serra, serra
Whatever will be will be
The furutre’ not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be”
- Jay Livingston

Lately I’ve been channeling into the “soul searching ”station and diligently reading the bible to seek solace in the lord and his words, and I became  immersed into a great peacefulness which I still feel and it’s been two days and hey, even yoga can’t beat this. You see, I’ve been fighting with him- harsh words, anger and a great deal of fussing and “whys?” – simply, because I’ve been handling it all on my own.  But after all of this fuss he’s tempered me and it feels great. I’ve given all of my fight to him and I suddenly realize that life is going to unfold soon and he’ the only one who can reveal the way. So, in the mean time I’ll be praying and allowing myself to soak in the feeling of complete surrender and peaceful sobriety and trusting him.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of saying “que serra serra” and letting it be.

In the mean time, I've been listening to a lot of Corrine Bailey since lately and healing.




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